Innovations for diabetology

diateam is:

An academic and experienced team for activities related to diabetes technology and digitization

A platform for innovative and forward-looking projects in diabetes therapy

Active in the development, evaluation and implementation of digital applications

OUR portfolio


Update Diabetes Technology. diatec is an annual conference on diabetes technology and digitization for diabetologists, their clinical and practice teams and anyone interested in these topics. diatec always takes place on the last weekend in January of a year from Thursday afternoon to Saturday afternoon in Berlin. Please register below


Diabetes needs a strong community. t1day is a day of the year by, with and for people with type 1 diabetes and their families and friends. As a community meeting point, t1day always takes place on the last Sunday in January in Berlin. Please register at


Data creates knowledge. The dt-report is an annual survey with updates on diabetes technologies and digital applications in practice. Diabetologists, diabetes consultants and patients with diabetes are surveyed, and the results are presented annually at diatec.

diatec weekly

What up, Doc? diatec weekly is a weekly update on diabetes technology and digitization. The weekly is aimed at diabetologists, diabetes consultants, people with diabetes and manufacturers who are interested in these topics.


Only together we are strong. We therefore cooperate with science, politics, companies and patient organizations. Corporations currently exist with: DDG, ÖDG, SDG, DCB, winDiab.

dt – Report


The D.U.T report from the years 2019 to 2023 is now continued by us as dt-report. The previous concept of the survey will be continued and supplemented by current questions.

The dt-report describes the attitude, use and future developments of technologies and digital applications in diabetology.
Data basis:

Is an annual survey of diabetologists, diabetes counselors and people with diabetes on the use of current diabetes technologies, indications and prognoses, as well as barriers and development opportunities.


are the basis for analyzes and future trends, healthcare research and marketing, publications and presentations, e.g. at congresses.

  • with the German Diabetes Society (DDG)
  • with the Austrian Diabetes Society (ÖDG)
  • with diabetesschweiz, the Swiss Diabetes Society (SDG)
  • with the “Diabetes Center Berne” (DCB)*, an independent Swiss foundation
  • Cooperation partnerships with various companies and organizations.
Expansion of dt surveys to other European countries, e.g. France, UK, Benelux, Scandinavia, … in order to create a perspective annual European report on diabetes technology and digitization.


Prof. Dr. Lutz Heinemann & Gabriele Faber-Heinemann

Clever, strong in character and charming, we are interested in both the practical use of diabetes technology and the scientific background and because we enjoy working in a team, diateam is a great option for us.

PD Dr. Dominic Ehrmann

Curious, strong nerves and a little “nerdy”, I love practical data that make the care and effects of diabetes understandable. diateam is a wonderful opportunity for innovative projects – together with friends.

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kulzer

Committed, honest and imaginative, with diateam I would like to contribute to capturing and understanding the perspectives and expectations of people with diabetes, HCPs and the various actors in different healthcare systems in Europe.  

Prof. Dr. Norbert Hermanns

With diateam, I would like to contribute my experience and perspectives to the training of young scientists in an authentic, focused and credible manner in order to motivate the next generation for this exciting field. 



diateam GmbH

Johann-Hammer-Str. 24
97980 Bad Mergentheim

data protection

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